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Virginia 4 Hour Reckless Aggressive Course
Virginia 8 Hour DMV Driver Improvement Course
Virginia 12 Hour RADEP - Reckless / Aggressive  Driver Education Program 

RADEP - Virginia Reckless Aggressive Driver Education Program

RADEP: Virginia's 12 Hour Reckless Aggressive Driving Course

What is the RADEP Course?

The RADEP curriculum is for drivers typically charged with non-alcohol related reckless and / or aggressive driving offenses. RADEP is a unique two day, in-person 12 hour driver education and training seminar consisting of two parts. The first session ( part 1) is a traditional 8-hour Virginia DMV driver improvement class. The second session (part 2) is a 4-hour National Safety Council course which focuses on reckless driving, aggressive driving, road rage and anger management. You must complete (part 1) the eight (8) hour Driver Improvement Course before your can attend (part 2), the 4 hour segment of the course. Please note that there are no options for taking either of these classes online or with another company. All students must complete BOTH parts of the RADEP course with our school.

In Virginia , if you have been charged with Reckless Driving, it is recommended you complete the Virginia 4 hour Reckless Aggressive Driver Education Program in addition to the 8 hour Driver Improvement Course  prior to the court date.  The 8-hour Driver Improvement Class class is a pre-requisite for the 4-hour Reckless /Aggressive Driver CourseYou may consult with a traffic attorney to verify this information. 

Any driver charged with Reckless Driving ( Virginia Code § 46.2-852) or driving violations that contribute to aggressive/road rage behaviors can
  •  enroll prior to their court date 
  •  as referred by their attorney 
  •  or as ordered by the Court, in a 12-hour education program 

The 4-hour "Virginia Reckless/Aggressive Driver Course" addresses:
  • the many causes of reckless driving
  • the psychological aspects of aggressive driving
  •  teaches methods to avoid situations which encourage dangerous driving behavior
  • gives tools that help students implement the skills they learn in the driver improvement program. 

Class participants will learn skills which can be used in everyday driving situations to safely negotiate crowded Virginia roadways.

 In Virginia, reckless driving occurs when you (i) exceed the posted speed limit by 20 miles per hour or more, or (ii) you exceed 85 miles per hour, regardless of the posted speed limit. Virginia Code 46.2-862 makes reckless driving a class 1 misdemeanor. It's a serious criminal offense.
What Is Aggressive Driving?
Aggressive driving is a type of driving that is unsafe or hostile and without concern for other people on the road. These behaviors may include common practices such as tailgating, making frequent lane changes, failing to signal or yield the right of way, and disregarding traffic controls.
Some aggressive drivers behave this way on purpose, but many people can be guilty of aggressive driving without even knowing it. An aggressive driving course like ours will help you evaluate your own driving, as well as recognize other potentially aggressive drivers on the road.
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